What people like-
- MFW takes a Charlotte Mason and classical education approach.
- Includes journaling and nature studies.
- Great for families with multiple children.
- All the planning is done for you.
- Includes most subjects. You add in math and language arts.
- Very hands-on. Lots of activity suggestions.
- Great “living books” list.
- Many families love the Kindergarten curriculum
What people don’t like-
- Some feel the science is lacking.
- Need to supplement with other materials (MFW does include suggestions).
- It takes time to collect all the library books suggested for each week.
User tips-
- Buy MFW gently used to save money.
- Don't be afraid to pick and choose from the activities and books. There is too much to do it all.
Try instead-
For a comparable curriculum, try WinterPromise. http://winterpromise.com/
For a free online curriculum that is also Charlotte Mason, tryAmbleside Online http://amblesideonline.org/
Author/Publisher/Website- Marie and David Hazell/My Father’s World/http://www.mfwbooks.com/wps/portal/c/homeschool
Summary from company- “Raising Up Generations of Families Who See the World Through God's Eyes and Live According to That Knowledge.
Combines the best of Charlotte Mason's ideas and classical education with a Biblical worldview, an international focus, and our own observations of how children learn. Uses a comprehensive, sequenced learning program beginning with preschool learning toysto develop readiness skills. Our complete unit-based curriculum includes a phonics-based learning-to-read program and focuses on God's amazing creation (kindergarten), the world of the Bible (first grade), and U.S. history (second or third grade). Then a year ofgeography sets the foundation for four years of chronological world and U.S. history (through eighth grade). Our high school curriculum provides a Biblical framework for English, history, and other subjects.”
What Friends Are Saying About, My Father's World...
We used my father's world and it did the day by day lesson plans and it was so helpful. -Melissa
My Father's World. (Mfwbooks.com) I love it so much. We use it on our own terms, we don't stick to their schedule. - Amber
I LOVE their kindergarten, but more as an advanced preschool. I don't use history as a core so I haven't used their others. K uses science/God's world as the core.-Faith
I used the 1st grade curriculum and loved it, it was so simple and easy to teach. I'd like to get the kindergarten curriculum. -Britnee
I will add that I like a lot of My Fathers World activities, but also love Sonlight.com. Sonlight has always been a back up for me, butMFW has more activities, I just change out some of the books. They would be easier to do as a multi-aged group. -Jennifer