What people like-
It’s a FREE online homeschool curriculum developed by a homeschooling mom.
It covers all basic subjects and then some (math, language arts, science, reading, history, even art and P.E.).
It is non-Common Core.
It's a flexible program with a lot of options. For example, kids can return to previous lessons or move ahead to future lessons. Also, they can pick and choose what parts of the curriculum they utilize.
Has an excellent e-book library of the classics.
Tracks student progress and issues grades as well.
What people don’t like-
- There aren’t many reviews out there to know what others really think of Discovery K12.
- It’s a secular curriculum.
User tips-
- Check out each grade's curriculum on the website.
- Create a separate account for each student.
- This is NOT the same curriculum as the at home public school K12.
Try instead-
A free online curriculum that offers a Christian perspective would be Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool. http://allinonehomeschool.com/
A free online curriculum that follows the Charlotte Mason approach would beAmbleside Online. http://amblesideonline.org/
Author/Publisher/Website- Sheri Wells/Discovery K12, Inc./ http://discoveryk12.com/dk12/
What Friends Are Saying About, Discovery K12...
Free Online high school. Discovery K12: http://discoveryk12.com If you want an accredited diploma, you will need to pay. -Tammy
I signed up my kindergartener at the beginning of the school year. I can't speak for any of their other grades, but I don't think much of the kindergarten program. A lot of it is, "Read this wikipedia article about whales and write about them." They have a lot of YouTube videos - some are good, but some are so dumbed-down that not even my three-year-old likes watching them. I use it as an occasional supplement to what I am already doing, but at least for kindergarten I would not use it by itself. -Beth
The kindergarten had a lot of really old videos I thought. When I signed up, there was no way to jump around. So if you signed up a kindergartner, they'd give him kindergarten stuff, but if he was a first grade reading level, it didn't let you adjust that, but I think they may have been fixing that. -Heidi
Discoveryk12 is privately funded and they don't follow common core. - Jenessa
We tried it for a little bits or middle and high school. My kids hated it. It was WAY to much read an article on Wikipedia then write about it. Dry and boring. -Denise
We tried it for the first few months of homeschooling. While it is something the kids could do on their own, they mostly watched videos and were sent to Wikipedia a lot for reading/research. They got bored of it really fast and I didn't feel like they were really learning anything. Just reading/watching to get it done. Now we useallinonehomeschool.com and love it. -Crystal
I use Discoveryk12 for spelling, art and keeping track of where we should be. Khan for math and Easy Peasy for the rest. Only have a 6th grader home this year. It's gone so so. I figured most is learning the hs ropes. Overall a good place to start. -Dara