Mission Statement

"Supporting homeschooling families by building connections, sharing resources, and providing leadership training.”


     The homeschool adventure that we are all a part of is about more than just our individual homes and families; it reaches into our neighborhoods, cities and states, and across the nation. Today, there is a rapidly growing number of strong homeschooling families across the nation.  We want you to know you're not alone!  Through the associations that can be made through a national organization, deep friendships can be born, and the sharing of resources can add to the strength of each family and individual. Establishing a national LDS homeschool support system enables families to easily connect and network with one another.  It is our greatest desire to bring people together to strengthen the homeschooling community and to help all to find success.   

Our intent is to:

  • Give support – Homeschooling our children is an important work.  We are here to validate that, and to be a constant reminder that what you are doing is worth the sacrifices you are making. We are here to share success stories, ideas, and advice on how to handle challenges. We are here to support a parents’ right to educate their children.
  • Build Connections– LDS-NHA is helping to locate and connect homeschooling families and support groups around the country through our website and Facebook page. This will also be accomplished as we support and provide conferences, including home education conferences and teen conferences.
  • Share Resources and Information– We will continue to add and share reliable resources, curriculum and information to aid you as you educate your children. 
  • Provide leadership training – There is a need for local leaders to step up to make things happen.  We provide help, support and encouragement to take that step. 

We want to support:

  • New homeschoolers seeking information. 
  • Homeschool families.
  • Families looking for educational support with an LDS perspective,
  • Established support groups that work with families to provide activities and support in local areas,
  • Writers of curriculum as they try to met the academic needs of the family.

We are dedicated to finding the best resources there are to help families in their educational choices. Not everything we recommend will reflect our "personal" preferences.  We recognize and support the pursuits of many to offer good LDS/LDS friendly resources for homeschoolers and families.

We encourage all to prayerfully consider the best educational choices, resources and services that will best benefit your family.

Our Core Values

We believe:

  • The family is ordained by God,
  • The family is the fundamental unit of society.  Parents are responsible and accountable for the education of their children according to the dictates of their own conscience; be that public, private and/or home schooling,
  • All families should abide by the laws in their state/country,
  • As a group we need to be actively seeking to protect our family and our educational rights.

The National LDS Homeschool Association maintains the high standards of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and all its teachings yet we have no official affiliation with the Church.  As members we value our individual testimonies and strive to live up to the teachings of the gospel and hope that is reflected in all that we do; including those about the eternal importance of the family.

Our History

For many years, there has been a growing interest and need for a National Latter-day Saint Homeschool Association. We believe the time has come for such an organization to flourish. Many dedicated individuals have put much thought and hard work into laying the foundation of this organization over the years. Qualified homeschool advocates have met numerous times with families across the country to gain valuable insights, information, support, and get direction in establishing The National LDS Homeschool Association.

The National LDS Homeschool Association was founded in 2004. In the beginning the organization was established and run by a board comprised of leaders from across the nation along with a volunteer staff. Under this organization, we put out a weekly newsletter (The Sentinel), quarterly bulletin and monthly leader posts. We hosted 5 National Homeschool Conferences and 1 National Teen Conference. This website was leading in gathering information about support groups, conferences and other resources and bringing this information to individual homeschool families.

From the year 2009 through 2012, due to family needs, the organization was put on hold.

In 2013, the National LDS Homeschool Association began renewing its commitment to the LDS Homeschooling community. With renewed energy and all the technology available to us, the association is taking an enhanced new direction. We are putting more of our efforts into building an online (virtual) community where there is opportunity for more interaction, sharing of ideas and hands-on material.

Notes from our Director: I'd like to especially thank my Mom, Jolene Irving, who I've personally seen sacrifice much of her life, including health, to help bring this vision forth. As her son I have been blessed by her efforts and willingness to help me with my endeavors of learning. I've been strengthened from the interactions she worked so hard to provide me and others with great leaders and visionaries of this world. The opportunities I have had to participate in countless service projects has shaped me into who I am today. As she has turned her focus to the youth of today and leaders of tomorrow with her efforts at Flecks of Gold, I am humbled that she has passed this responsibility to me. I will do my best because that is what my Mom taught me to do.

All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.
— Abraham Lincoln

We have had some great people contribute as we have grown over the years to get us to this point. You can learn more about them here.  If you're interested in getting involved, please let us know.