A paradigm is like any window, it allows you to see whatever its frames will permit. Thus, just like a window, a paradigm is a limited and partial view of what's "outside." The bigger the frame, the more one can see. The more windows in a room, the more one can see of that "outside." Thus, paradigms, by analogy, are mental windows to reality. They "frame" our understanding of reality and limit that reality to what they show us. Different paradigms will "show" us a different reality. - unknown
Unless you are one of the few mothers who has always known that they would homeschool their children, you are likely here testing the waters in an uncharted territory. You may be caught up in the merciless throws of a shifting paradigm. Not long ago I found myself neck deep in those same choppy waters and at times I thought I may never come ashore.
It took courage for me to put up new windows within my carefully constructed house in my little corner of the universe. It took humility to imagine that there was more to see when I thought I had been looking out of a picture window. It took patience to question to learn, to probe, to pray. It took faith to listen to the whispering of the spirit telling me “yes you can” when doubts would flood my mind like a tidal wave of insecurity.