Tips for the Beginning Homeschooler...

Spring is finally here and kids all over the country are itching to get out of school. Plans for vacation, trips to the zoo, and more family time abound. That glimpse of freedom is enough to make some moms think about not putting their kids back in school in the fall. However, the leap from “thinking” about home schooling to becoming a homeschooler can seem very overwhelming. Here are some ideas to help make the transition.

  1. Determine the legal requirements for home schooling in your state. HSLDA (Home School Legal Defense Association) has a complete list by state.
  2. Attend a home school workshop or conference. Now is a great time to do this because many organizations hold their conferences in the spring or summer. Conferences are a great way to hear informative and motivational speakers, browse curriculum and meet other homeschoolers. For a good list of events around the country visit
  3. Read up! There are dozens of books and hundreds of blogs on home schooling. One of my favorite books is Creative Home Schooling by Lisa Rivero. This book is written specifically for gifted students but I think it is a valuable resource for all families. It does a great job of explaining the different methods of home schooling and has an extensive list of resources. There is a ton of information out there, just realize that you do not have to read everything ever published before you can start teaching your own children.
  4. Talk with veteran homeschoolers. If you don’t know any in your area try searching Yahoo groups. There are groups for every part of the country as well as for each of the different methods. There really is nothing like veteran homeschoolers to help you on your way.
  5. Maintain a sense of humor. Just like everyone else, homeschoolers have bad days now and then, but a positive attitude and a sense of humor can make the rough days a whole lot easier! Here’s a fun video to lighten things up.

Pray. Every child and every family is different; the only way to know what will work for your family is to seek personal revelation. Home schooling can feel like a huge leap into the darkness but just like parenting it’s something you learn as you go. Trust that if you take that jump, you will be able to find the resources, help and strength you need to be successful in this wonderful journey!