Originally published in April of 2009 in the Sentinel
What do you do with all those plastic Easter eggs AFTER Easter?
Around our house after Easter we have another form of email... we call it egg mail!
A big basket of plastic eggs sits on the kitchen table with a cup filled with paper strips and pencils. Nightly when we gather around the table for dinner-everyone grabs a couple of strips (papers are 1" x 4") and starts writing...the strips are so small that anyone can write that much! Pencils fly writing love notes or words of encouragement. For those who need a little prompting we have colored paper strips with phrases like:
I remember when you...
One of your greatest talents is:
You taught me:
5 words that describe you are:
You make me happy when...
Let's go...
You are successful at :
These seem to help even our most reluctant writers.
The paper notes are then folded into the appropriate colored eggs (Mom=blue, Dad=green, etc.) and dropped into a colored bag or delivery basket. Egg-mail is delivered after dinner by an eager 10 year old.
Bedroom doors in our house each have a decorated paper bag where eggs are delivered. You can also use empty Easter baskets! Empty eggshells are returned to the kitchen basket in the morning mail.
Not only does this encourage friendly feelings in the family, but boosts writing, penmanship, and spelling as well!
You can leave your thoughts, comments or suggestions here on my feedback page. Thanks!
- Kari