You Might Be a Homeschooler If...

Round 3

Grocery Bag Kites
Grocery Bag Kites

…You’ve learned to creatively improvise, making “kites” out of plastic grocery bags to test the strength of the wind.

Fizzy Soap
Fizzy Soap

…You really soak up your lessons by taking chemistry with you to the bathroom, analyzing the ingredients of fizzy bath balls.

Butterfly Habitat
Butterfly Habitat

…You have the luxury of spending all day and night next to your butterfly habitat so as not to miss any revealing moments of metamorphosis.

Jack Spratt Bread
Jack Spratt Bread

…You find a new brand of bread that you MUST try because it goes with your current studies (which in this case was Nursery Rhymes).

Baby Doll Party
Baby Doll Party

…Some dolls and your friend’s new baby sister make for several important lessons and one of your very favorite days.

The World is Your Classroom
The World is Your Classroom

…The whole world is your classroom!