What People Like :)
- Includes Math from kinder to college
- All online, no materials needed
Parents can receive info on what kids progress
Also includes other STEM subjects, like engineering, economics, coding and programming
Now has humanities, arts and test prep available for free
Partnered with NASA, Museum of Modern Art, and MIT to offer special content
Tons of audio/visual content for learning
What People Don't Like :(
- Need to be online to use it
- Difficult for some kids to stay on track/stay focused
- Hard for parents to know where to start
User Tips:
EasyPeasy utilizes Khan in lesson plans
Try some Khan lessons yourself -there is tons there for adults too, and you'll be able to walk kids through program easier.
Try Instead:
Easy Peasy is also a free online curriculum
MasterMath.com for free online math
Teach-nology $30 year online math
CodeAcademy is free online programming
Website: https://www.khanacademy.org
Founder: Sal Khan
Company Statement: "Our mission is to provide a free, world‑class education for anyone, anywhere. You only have to know one thing. You can learn anything. For Free. For everyone. Forever."
What LDS-NHA Friends Have to Say About Khan Academy
We use Khan Academy for math, although the little ones just need simple math games that can be done with sidewalk chalk, a handful of pennies and nickles and a handerchief.
Khan academy also has some cool tangential stuff like the ways they do long multiplication and division in other cultures. -juanita
Khan Academy is my go-to for math. My kids love it, too (ages 11, 9, and 5). -Stephanie
My daughter struggled with math as well. It was a constant battle. We started using Khan Academy last year, and WOW, what a difference. - Kacie