Khan Academy

What People Like :)

  • Includes Math from kinder to college
  • All online, no materials needed
  • Parents can receive info on what kids progress

  • Also includes other STEM subjects, like engineering, economics, coding and programming

  • Now has humanities, arts and test prep available for free

  • Partnered with NASA, Museum of Modern Art, and MIT to offer special content

  • Tons of audio/visual content for learning

What People Don't Like :(

  • Need to be online to use it
  • Difficult for some kids to stay on track/stay focused
  • Hard for parents to know where to start

User Tips:

EasyPeasy utilizes Khan in lesson plans

Try some Khan lessons yourself -there is tons there for adults too, and you'll be able to walk kids through program easier.

Try Instead:

Easy Peasy is also a free online curriculum for free online math

Teach-nology $30 year online math

CodeAcademy is free online programming


Founder: Sal Khan

Company Statement: "Our mission is to provide a free, world‑class education for anyone, anywhere. You only have to know one thing. You can learn anything. For Free. For everyone. Forever."

What LDS-NHA Friends Have to Say About Khan Academy

We use Khan Academy for math, although the little ones just need simple math games that can be done with sidewalk chalk, a handful of pennies and nickles and a handerchief.

Khan academy also has some cool tangential stuff like the ways they do long multiplication and division in other cultures. -juanita

Khan Academy is my go-to for math. My kids love it, too (ages 11, 9, and 5). -Stephanie

My daughter struggled with math as well. It was a constant battle. We started using Khan Academy last year, and WOW, what a difference. - Kacie
