When Adam was 14 years old, he went through a dramatic change in his life. He realized it was up to him to get an education—no one else was going to do it for him. With that realization, he went from a student who was dragging his feet and learning practically nothing, to a student who was enthusiastic about learning, life, and having impact. Since then he has sought to help others push through educational, personal and cultural barriers to obtain greater learning. During college he was able to take that desire to audiences around the United States and Canada. With his professors, and eventually on his own, he spoke to groups about education, politics, worldviews and the direction of our society. It was a fulfilling time in his life.
Adam lives in Cedar City, Utah, where he graduated from George Wythe University with a BA in Liberal Arts. After college, he started two small businesses. He had big plans and it was a great learning experience, but something was missing. He longed for the opportunity to once again help people obtain a greater education. Then, a few years ago, he sold one business and closed the other to join the faculty of Williamsburg Academy full time. It was one of the best decisions he has ever made. He loves what he does! He gets to help students look at the world, its people, cultures, problems and beauty and show them how to navigate it and the opportunities they have to change it. His goal as a mentor is to help students to look inwardly and see themselves as they really are and then decide to become what they see.