Scholar Power—Are you ready to –ing?

By:  Nicholeen Peck

Many of us want to start making a difference in the world right now.  Is this possible when you are still a youth?  Absolutely!  The world is waiting for you to do the –ing.  This –ing thing is the key to transforming the world; no matter how old you are.  Warning, this class will be a bit wild at times.  You may not be able to stay in your seat during some of the 

Standing Up in a Sit-Down World

By:  Merrilee Boyack 
We live in a world that promotes apathy and fear.  Satan wants us to sit down!  We will discuss how to boldly stand for truth and righteousness in the latter-days and to make a difference by actively doing good. Each of us is capable of amazing influence and leadership in the latter days. You CAN and WILL change the world!

Virtue a Spiritual Super Power

By:  Diana Hoelscher
     Virtue is a fuel for Faith, priesthood and drawing on the powers of Heaven. It is the oil in our lamps. Virtue increases the light and beauty of our countenance. Super heroes are found in the movies and comics but Gods power is real and available to us!


The Science of Will Power 

By:  Adam Hailstone

     The famous Stanford University Marshmallow Test proved that will power is a greater factor for future success than the IQ test. Will power is the grit to get things done and push through difficulties, which is vital for accomplishing anything important. Come learn from Adam Hailstone about the science of will power and the simple proven process for increasing your own and that of your family’s.

Nicholeen Peck

Nicholeen dances around her house in her pajamas, sings in the shower at the top of her lungs, and talks to people all over the country about how to build strong relationships and become people of virtue and courage. She is passionate about communication and feels that the key to making a great person a great leader is communication. Nicholeen is most known for her Teaching Self Government Seminars and website, and for the one hour BBC show made about how she parents her family. She is the author of Parenting A House United, Londyn LaRae Says Okay, Porter Earns a Quarter, Big Win For Quin, Paije Takes The Stage, and a blog called . Nicholeen reads every classic she can get her hands on. The older the better! Her favorite pastimes include studying, writing, teaching Shakespeare, dancing, 


Merrilee Boyack 

Merrilee Boyack loves life and loves every season of life--especially this one!  She enjoys hanging out with her hubby, four sons, daughter-in-law and two grandchildren (who are being homeschooled!) and discussing politics.   She is an estate-planning attorney in Utah and California who conducts her law practice from home.  Merrilee is also a professional lecturer and speaks all over the country, featured for many years at BYU Education Week and Time Out for Women, and a published author.  She loves to travel and meet people all over the world.  Her perfect day is camping in a tent, reading a good book, taking a perfect hike, and eating free food.

She is the author of several books and talks, including The Parenting Breakthrough, Strangling Your Husband Is Not an Option; Toss the Guilt and Catch the Joy; In Trying Times, Just Keep Trying. and her most recent, “Will My Child Be Ready:  Missionary Prep for Moms” and “When I am a Missionary”.  Merrilee and her husband, Steve, reside in Lehi, Utah.


Adam Hailstone

When Adam was 14 years old, he went through a dramatic change in his life. He realized it was up to him to get an education—no one else was going to do it for him. With that realization, he went from a student who was dragging his feet and learning practically nothing, to a student who was enthusiastic about learning, life, and having impact. Since then he has sought to help others push through educational, personal and cultural barriers to obtain greater learning. During college he was able to take that desire to audiences around the United States and Canada. With his professors, and eventually on his own, he spoke to groups about education, politics, worldviews and the direction of our society. It was a fulfilling time in his life.

Adam lives in Cedar City, Utah, where he graduated from George Wythe University with a BA in Liberal Arts. After college, he started two small businesses. He had big plans and it was a great learning experience, but something was missing. He longed for the opportunity to once again help people obtain a greater education. Then, a few years ago, he sold one business and closed the other to join the faculty of Williamsburg Academy full time. It was one of the best decisions he has ever made. He loves what he does! He gets to help students look at the world, its people, cultures, problems and beauty and show them how to navigate it and the opportunities they have to change it. His goal as a mentor is to help students to look inwardly and see themselves as they really are and then decide to become what they see.

Diana Hoelscher


Diana grew up in Madison, Wisconsin. She attended Ricks College and Brigham Young University. She served as a full-time missionary in the Washington Tacoma Mission. – and afterward taught at the Missionary Training Center. She has served in the Church as a Temple Ordinance Worker, Relief Society President, Young Women’s President and as a Gospel Doctrine Teacher. Diana resides in Spring, Texas with her husband and four children. 

She is a published author who has spoken in hundreds of stakes and wards throughout the church by referral. She does not accept money and the small amount she makes through Covenant Books for her publications goes to the LDS Mission fund. 

She would say, "She doesn't have any fancy titles or big degrees. She is a homemaker, a wife and a mother of four... a listener in every way, with a burning desire and the spiritual gift to bare testimony."