Beating the Cabin Fever Blues...

This winter has been cold and snowy. Very different from last year. My kids have been stuck inside since Christmas due to either below zero temperatures or lots of snow. With a house full of boys, cabin fever sets in quick!


A few days ago I grabbed off the bookshelf “The Kids Winter Handbook” by Jane Drake and Ann Love. It is a great resource for fun winter ideas, both inside and out. It has science experiments, craft projects, things to do in the snow and ice, family activities, games and kitchen projects to do.   Everything you need to beat the “I’m bored and I don’t know what to do” blues.

The pictures are of my boys making snow goggles. Just the thing for their hike through the back yard with the dogs! Here are some other books to try:

“The Kids Winter Fun Book: Homespun Adventures for Family Fun”  by  Claire Gillman and Sam Martin


“12 Snow Days of Winter” (For Chilly Days Indoors, Perfect for Beginner Readers)

And to get you started right away here’s an ebook you can download today!

“25 Winter Craft Ideas: Easy Indoor Crafts for Kids” by Monica Van Zandt