The Logic of English

What People Like :)

  • Reading, writing, spelling and grammar all-in-one.

  • The student workbooks come in manuscript or cursive.

  • The system is easily customizable for any age, 7 and up.

  • Excellent quality materials.

  • Available digitally (PDF).

  • Has worked for children with Dyslexia.


What People Don't Like :(

  • It’s expensive- $198.00 for the complete (printed) set, which includes a teacher’s manual, student workbook, flashcard sets, spelling journal, etc.

  • There are a lot of materials which may seem overwhelming at first, and maybe aren’t all necessary. (You can order items separately.)

User Tips:

  • Use a container to store the flash card sets.
  • Use the Phonics with Phonograms app for hands-on and on-the-go learning. (see site for details.)
  • For younger children, try Logic of English, Foundations


Try Instead:

Like logical teaching of phonics? Try Riggs Institute

Want more literature integration? Try Learning Language Arts Through Literature

Want a basic grammar program? Try 100 Easy Lessons

Another popular curriculum for Language Arts: All About Reading and All About Spelling

    Author/Publisher/Website:  Denise Eide (a homeschool mom), Pedia Learning,

    Summary from Company:  The Logic of English® Essentials curriculum uses proven, research-based methods to teach students ages 7 to adult to read, spell, and write successfully. Easy to use, engaging, and fun, Essentials improves the spelling and reading skills of all learners by providing linguistically accurate phonics instruction, fluency practice, morphology and vocabulary development, grammar, and composition.

    What Friends Say About "Logic of English"

    "We use Logic of English and love it. We started with 100 easy lessons until my daughter started to loathe reading! It was painful for her. However, it worked great for my son. This video had me sold on LOEand it hasn't been at all disappointing! One thing I liked about LOE is that it is all in one. Reading, writing, spelling, grammar. You don't need separate curriculums." -Tiffany

    "You can often find AAS used for a lot less. We used it but it was too fussy for us. Too many pieces. We are using Reading Lessons Theough Literature as our spelling program. It teaches the phonograms just like LOE and AAS but it a lot less intensive and inexpensive. Also, there is an app for LOE that let's you review the phonograms." - Rachel

    "I'm also using Logic of English Foundations with my 4yo. She loves it! It is so much fun for younger children. She couldn't sit for 100 EZ lessons, but begs for LOE lessons everyday. It is based off of the same principle as Writing Road to Reading, AAR, and I think TATRAS is similar. I chose it because it is open and go so it's very little planning for me. It teaches all the sounds in the beginning, I think it's in order of frequency. A says "a" "A" "ah". My understanding is that the "uh" sound of A is a "schwa" or lazy vowel, used in unaccented syllables. Anyway, all this is covered in LoE and very easy for small children to understand. It's a little pricey though! I've had to get it in parts." - Karissa

    "There are several iPad apps that have pronunciation built in (specifically I'm thinking of Logic of English). The LOE curriculum goes hand in hand with the app and so you can easily teach him the grammar, spelling, etc. and then use the app to tell him the sounds. The LOE Essentials program specifically uses mouth and tongue shape to help make the correct sound, so you can still show him the right shape, etc even if you can personally hear it." - Courtney

    "Logic of English is a great phonics based program and teaches spelling, writing, and reading." - Tammy
