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Teaching YOU to Teach HISTORY

To become a  part of lives, events, and places you once never knew existed is purely magical. Anyone can teach history, but to share the magic of history you have to learn to love it yourself. History earned a bad reputation because it is traditionally taught in boring ways. But homeschoolers aren't chained to old school methods of teaching boring dates and politics. As a homeschooler you can dive into history, live history, become part of history and truly love history. To the right are recommended technology resources to help you learn history. Below find curriculum recommendations and recommended reading from families like you who are learning to love history. If you have a favorite resource please share! 

Recommended Reading

Rush Revere, books for middles

Rush Revere, books for middles

The History book I wish I learned from. America, by Bennett

The History book I wish I learned from. America, by Bennett

The Making of America, by Skousen

The Making of America, by Skousen

George Washington, Spymaster

George Washington, Spymaster

How to Teach History and How Not To... Washington Post, Valerie Strauss 5/13

Ten incredibly fun ways to teach history in your homeschool,, Alicia Buyer

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