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Read stories to your children and sooner or later you will see those tales woven into the children’s play. Legends, myths and folktales provide some of the most fertile ground for playing pretend. Additionally, the international treasury of stories from these genres forms an intriguing portal to a lifetime interest in cultural geography.
Over the past 13 years I have been through an incredible journey with my four dyslexic children. It has been more of an adventure than I ever imagined I would have as a mother... And it gives us the knowledge that it IS possible for those who battle with dyslexia to eventually overcome their struggles and be very successful.
I was suspicious that something might be “wrong” with my 4 year old son when he could not recognize the letters of the alphabet or say their sounds, regardless of how many times we went over it, or what games we played with letters.
I go a bit overboard with spelling because I am such a bad speller myself. I thought spell check would always be there for me but it isn't. Not learning how to spell correctly has been one of my biggest regrets year to date. It has been the source of embarrassment to me countless times. Take it from me: Learn to spell!
Get your printer ready. Excellent round up of free and out of print resources.
The Good & the Beautiful curriculum is designed to foster a true love of learning while teaching strong and advanced academics. The images and artwork, the exercises and assignments, and the literature used are all designed to connect children to the good and the beautiful: family, God, high moral character, and the wonders and beauty of nature and human life.
English Lessons Through Literature is a unique program which combines the gentleness of Charlotte Mason's methods with the thoroughness of classical methods.
Curriculum designed around "living books" and the Charlotte Mason philosophy. All online.
Sentence diagramming extraordinaire for middle grades and beyond.
A nontraditional and quick approach to language arts essentials in a fun story format.
Solid all inclusive grammar and english instruction with accompanying jingle CD for memorizing grammar definitions.
Tried and true Christian homeschool curriculum. Well-known for its effective language arts program.
A logical approach to grammar, with short daily lessons.
Longtime used, inexpensive phonics and beginning reading curriculum.
Comprehensive spelling program for beginning readers to middle elementary.
Simple and effective program to teach your kids to read.
Beginning reading instruction with CDROM.
Sets of simple text with silly illustrations for beginning reading.
Online Beginning Reading/Phonics Program
High school writing curriculum producing an original novel.
Grammar, reading, spelling and writing all in one.