12 Methods for Teaching the Latter-day Saint Child (Jeppson)
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Education in today's American schools is largely influenced by behaviorists, scientific humanists, and the designers of Common Core - a far cry from the New England Primer and the principles of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. When Karl Maeser started the Brigham Young Academy, President Young admonished him, "Remember that you ought not to teach even the alphabet or the multiplication tables without the Spirit of God."
All teaching methods and curricula that we use should seek to lay Christ and truths of the restored gospel at its foundation. We can strengthen our family's faith by teaching children to look for God's hand in all subjects. Come learn powerful and time-tested educational methods for LDS families. This class will lay a foundation for teaching with correct principles, then explain how to use proven methods to enhance and enliven your homeschool with truth and understanding. We will explore the Christ-like view of children and learn how teach a providential view of history. You will learn the powerful process of "4R-ing" (research, reason, relate, record), how to conduct a word study to engage more reflective thinking, and how to help children set up a useful study notebook.